Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Hernia - Surgery Or Ignorance

When a fatty tissue or organ squeezes or protrudes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or fascia (connecting tissue), it can be considered as a hernia. Usually, hernias occur in the abdomen, but it could also come in the upper thigh, tummy, and groin areas. There are mainly 5 types of hernias, such as: 
  • Incisional hernia - occurs after abdominal surgery. The intestine might push through the incision or scar surrounding the weekend tissue
  • Inguinal hernia - occurs in the inner parts of the groin area  
  • Femoral hernia - usually occurs outside the groin area
  • Ventral hernia - occurs in the abdomen 
  • Hiatus hernia - occurs in the diaphragm
Inguinal hernia

An inguinal hernia occurs when a tissue such as part of the intestine or organ protrudes from the abdominal region. Such hernias could be painful, especially while coughing, bending over to lift a heavy object.  
Inguinal hernia

Surgery  is recommended to prevent complications. These are one of the most common hernias which occur in men. 


  Certain reasons why inguinal hernias are developed are as follows:
  • Chronic cough or sneezing
  • Pregnancy 
  • Severe pressure within the abdomen 
  • The pre-existing weak spot near or in the abdominal wall
  • Performing heavy or difficult activities 
  • Abdominal surgery or injuries 
  • Age 
  • Constipation 
  • Prostatic enlargement

Complications if left untreated 

There are a few complications for inguinal hernia such as:
  • Surrounding tissue will experience pressure - if the hernias are not treated or removed surgically, then it could get enlarged over time. This might cause swelling and pain for men as it would get extended to the scrotum.
  • Incarcerated hernia - the contents of hernia might get trapped in the weak point in the abdominal wall and can cause severe pain, vomiting, constipation, and nausea.
  • Strangulation - these incarcerated hernias can become an obstruction for the blood flow to the intestinal parts. Strangulation can become a serious threat to the bowel tissues hence, it needs to be treated immediately. 

Medical care 

Sometimes reducing the excess weight or obesity can reduce the pain, avoid further complications, helps to prevent discomfort, and in certain situations, it would reduce the size of the hernia. Hernias that gives severe pain or that gets enlarged need to undergo surgery. Most of the hernias are dealt with laparoscopically. 

Hernias are no different than any other problems people face in life. Hence, they should be treated immediately.

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Blog reviewed by: Dr.Nikhil Agnihotri
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Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Can Treating Sleep Apnea Cause Weight Loss?

        The perils of leading a dissolute life tend to manifest at a later stage especially in the form of obesity. Very often people grapple with this health condition and find themselves at a loss as to how to trim those extra pounds. To further exacerbate the issue of weight gain there are a host of other ailments that thrive in this condition and often converge to make life miserable for the unsuspecting individual. Hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and Sleep apnea are the potentially dangerous maladies that have the potential to significantly disrupt one's quality of life.

Sleep Apnea requires special mention since it's one of those conditions that usually gets overlooked leading to fatal consequences. It's often considered to be a corollary of obesity and weight gain is checked Sleep Apnea is naturally taken care of. Obesity leads to the accumulation of fat in almost all areas including the neck. This tends to constrict the airway and restrict air flow when the person is asleep. One of the most prevalent medical procedures to cure Sleep Apnea is that of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure).
While studies have been conducted to ascertain whether the treatment of Sleep Apnea via CPAP could potentially lead to a reduction in Body Mass Index and thus facilitate weight loss, the findings have been inconclusive. The objective was to find out whether consistent CPAP administration could regulate leptin levels by way of increased physical activity. However the results of multiple tests conducted on men and women have yielded inconsistent results.

 However it's almost conclusively proven that CPAP in itself isn't a major contributor to weight loss. It's the resultant spurt in physical activity that addresses a host of issues that are an outcome of obesity and eventually shaves off the extra flab thus rejuvenating the body. Sleep disruption unsettles the body, rendering the individual lethargic and shorn of energy. Once the sleeping pattern is reinstated the person finds the vigor and vitality to go about his daily routine, pursue weight reduction programs and as a consequence acquire a well-toned and balanced physique.

To conclude, medication is never the means to address the root cause of Sleep Apnea. It could at best revitalize your system and the metabolism levels and perhaps indirectly induce weight loss. However it's in the best interest of everyone to not let things spiral out of control by leading a balanced life which has moderation as its ethos.
Blog reviewed by: Dr.Nikhil Agnihotri
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Benefits of Bariatric Surgical Procedure

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